Monday, November 11, 2013

Deep-Seated Issue

It's a deep-seated wish of mine for people like Sarah Brightman to tour with someone else since she doesn't seem to believe she is greater than the men she sings with or they are rude.  She's gonna have to do a mini tour with me or else no one left.  I only can think of all the less strict art song singers and perhaps the musical theater singers I've seen.  I almost got in the Annie tour but unfortunately wanted to do something else.

What do you think @ the fact that there are singers who sing with other singers who bear little semblance?  I also hated that, like what we only "get" to see 1 Baby Spice?

The other thing is it's very easy to give a "concert."  There should be more of these minor concerts..  I hate music school, there are no concerts, just individual, graded like thesis recitals..