Tuesday, November 12, 2013



Those bastards on Soapbox are being shit.

I don't care @ a shit poster's personal life.


Like I've said, why not just *beep* my dad for making all the people I wanna meet not like me?


Ellen stop being nasty and telling people to do bad things in my life, like if I have something going for me.  I am not rude, stop making fun of my poor health, I don't have enough physical activity.  Every time I am happy and settle, someone is set back and what I do.  My dad won't stop acting smug until I say something sometimes how he thinks and like Ellen funs that I'd wanna meet someone like Johnny Depp or know someone I like a lot who may be famous.


Sorry 'bout that, didn't directly insult Sarah but know you lookin'.


To: Ellen

Are you European?
Stop being silly @ my age!!

Someone liked my comment.



Do more than just state your belief that Sarah Brightman would be a child to most people.


People don't like my age.

So, guys..

..anyone else out there, I cut my hand.  I may poison myself on my toilet today..


Is Sarah going into outer space for attention?


Stop making me go in convulsions.  I don't wanna keep doing gymnastics to keep my body pristine.


You piece of shit!  (Just talking to myself.)  Why are you people thinking I'm bad because I was yelling but not screaming at my dad?  I didn't feel happy, and he was looking at me like I'd even cry to him.


Your messages are retarded.


They are changing how my body sits.  You niggers won't leave me alone.


You leave me alone.


Why was my post @ Ginny & Tim made 1?  You wanna cross your own GOD DAMN MOTHER FUCKIN EYES


I ate 2 large pitas 1½ as sandwiches with cold cut roast beef toaste din the microwave.  They were big, cheese, lettuce, Ranch.

Facebook Post

Sarah Brightman Concert


So, what did ya'll here in Central Florida think @ the experience? I wish I was more prepared.. I went with my dad.


I wasn't behaving irrationally.  I just know it hurt me.  I can joke @ ****ing myself if I wanted, it was appropriate.  I am not a machine.



Wasted Life

You all are addicted to my mom's perverted idea that I never have any outburst.  I am being a good person explaining a problem.


..prove that's why you did it, to kill me.



YouTube Post

Sarah Brightman


So, who are you? Thank you so much for posting all these interesting .. array of videos!

I will have to

take a lie down.


I think I hurt myself, so sorry @ the word shit in relation to someone else though that's not what I meant at the time!


No, I don't mean I want to attack Sarah Brightman like you gape at me for..  I just didn't feel like adding my parents are doing it, not her, but they act like she said something mean to me, keep annoying me, punishing me!  I THOUGHT I SAID THAT I DON'T GIVE A GODDAMN FUCK SO FUCK OFF RIGHT THIS WAY PLEASE

Life is Ho'd (Hard) Life is Hard

I mean, I noticed, like, the world is to be respected.  It's not like a piece of paper.


Why are we whittling ourselves out for Tim Burton?  What happened to the surround sound?

The Answer

Older people advertised themselves to us but acted like maybe they were the 1 who wasn't good enough for us.


Why is the world using me as a question?

Also, I'm nervous my dad it seems would be pressured to send me away to a mental place and I'd wait there and not be able to communicate with anyone.  I remember last time.

I mean where's my CHANCE?

Ha Ha

Got them!  They don't talk to me much.  They aren't there for me.  They are never with me, now.

What's wrong with those lunatics..

Ginny Kopf and Tim Burton?  They are migrant families from California.  They think I am an underhanded rightfully racially discriminated person.  How amusing..


My mom said my 1st words were plane and bird.  I thought it was so cool.  Sarah Brightman and her family are aviators.. so.


Do I need 1?

Making Others Feel .. Special

I guess in Eengland (England) they really see "what" they see .. something special to them.


If I hurt someone's feelings, but some of these things are not okay, but I guess they just happen?

Bad Bad Bad


Ugh! ^99^

People are too damn competitive in the U.S., but I know someone saucy and bossy.


My dad seems not to give a shit @ my life and how I feel @ myself..


I hope my parents are okay.  I'm worried my dad will be puffed up and cough to death.  I guess he's sensitive.  I didn't like the 7 year thing..  You all are shit.  I mean really.  You're making everyone shit.  I don't mean I want to make you shit, but I wish you'd not be shit.  I really see the germs, I mean.


I was mostly upset @ the 7 year thing..  I asked my dad, doesn't give a flying shit.


Why do you keep acting like you do something for me when there are really other reasons and when it's too much?

I know I was smart, so these kids should stop copying me.


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My mom might have done that to hurt my dad.  Fix him.  They're stupid.  They can cook their own God Damn food.

"We're the good guys."

I look around and see young people like me who think they deserved something they can't get, not sure what it is.


Tim Burton you think you get everything from everyone.  Now what do I have?


The e***** boys in Orlando have a hissy if I think I am a well-balanced person.  I can't believe it.


Why do you keep checking in on shit!  Stop ruining my blog, you.  I said stpio1


And how stupid are you to care @ the N word thing?

Why am I getting these annoying, stuck up messages from Sarah Brightman.m I dont wanna shit @ shit

More Shit

I know this happened because my aunt has a stupid hissy @ if I start a new blog to start over, like I "get" something.  HOW STUPID.


My dad said there's a place here people wait 7 years to go in.  He knows I told my mom why don't I just **** myself, like I'd do what to others as the worse option.  What I'm really doing is not caring @ people in the world.  I just care @ me.  No one is not SHIT like before TIM BURTON and JOHNNY DEPP.  I forget, something else I just thought..  I do want to know why I keep .. I mean I don't wanna sit and deal with things like this, I'm not gonna.  I want 2009.  I don't give a GD MF SHIT @ THE N WORD THING.  DID YOU HEAR ME!  *****  ***** *****  YOU BUNCH OF WORTHLESS PIECES OF SHIT I DON'T GIVE A GODDAMN


may or may not post

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Why do the Jews in Germany uphold their culture?  Thought they wanted to be German or something.

Hee Hee Haw Haw

Why should I care @ your ability to function normally?

New Videos

New Videos of Me Singing

 photo 2013-05-27-4-1.png

Monday, November 11, 2013



YouTube Comment

Sarah Brightman - Tampa..



Feeling Bad

What do I do?  Lock myself up?  I'm sad @ my feeling skittish @ people funning me, taking advantage with something..


@ the hard feelings if you thought but was just commenting on a topic of general interest, @ people seeming like a baby even when older.  It's okay, but for some reason I feel they are a generation above, as well, and don't really know what all to think @ that..


I edited and added it was my 1st time recently doing Gesu Bambino.  Also, I sang it from another book I used for piano.


I made the YouTube link go to the Uploads page.

Muchos Problemos

I had problems in 1st grade.  The teacher and kids acted like they were whiter.  Kindergarten was good.  I just had a hard time at 1st but was all better.  A very nice, popular black lady as a teacher.  I learned to read nicely, though.  I just went home and had these perverted feelings with the "white kids."  I don't know where it came from.  This was when I 1st left Southeastern Florida, but I very much wanted to be accepted.  I'm sure it was the black hair and them knowing I was part Chinese without me saying anything.  I was like, what.  I just know how to feel cool about myself.  I thought that was their thing.

Mobile Soon

may or may not post

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The children are considered too good to be with me, and I am with the kids from 1980..

A Weird Suggestion

I don't need to be dehumanized.  I am highly against submitting myself to anyone.  I did the right thing, that's all that matters.

Another Message - Against

I am not for eliminating people nor getting close to people who aren't my type..

I am more about fixing people, very much so.  You don't need to go to college to want that.  I'm about fixing what we have and not having to just keep being with child..

I got asked a question.

Er, yes, I do feel for my 1/2 Italian cousin, I think she is.  I think they want to compare my mom being Chinese and her dad being Italian.  See, she lived in Fort Lauderdale, and we moved away and NEVER came back and I have lost my interest in 1 of the most beautiful places to get to live.


I added notes and edited the title to the last upload.

New Video

New Video of Me Singing

 photo 2013-05-27-4-1.png

Ex er cise

Whooh!  This section was tough!  I have a tingly feeling.  It's Cardio Fusion - Pure Intensity.  My 1st of these kinds of things but not 1st workout DVD.


I marked the organ song B-.

New Video

New Video of Me Singing

 photo 2013-05-27-4-1.png

Making Sure

Do you wanna make sure people don't experience love?  It's very easy to say you don't have to and not to think @ it and to think @ something fun.

New Videos

New Videos of Me Playing Organ

 photo 2013-05-27-4-1.png

Private Lessons Again

I may just go to Disney once a week and take private lessons.  A blonde offered me 1/2 price, $25/hour or 1 3/4 hour.  I also want the Frozen Elsa Girl Doll @ the Norwegian ride @ Disney and a warmup book, Vocalize with a CD.


I like saying Go to Hell cuz I laugh at death jokes and don't mean them in the least.  I said the little dum dum alien said it..  However, normally, this doesn't sound like it fits anything.. I was just playing.. :/

Yes, I am rereading.  I was hoping someone would read it.  Today.  ^99^  You know, there should be lots of blogs to read!  Each blog descends in quality.

I am very mad.. Lily Rose made her blog private and it was the good example out there.  She keeps like hiding things, like her dad.  OMG!


Ellen is like okay Andy you're still being tacky and mean and also still being your old self?  Why does she encourage people to bring the worst outta them?

I mean, he seemed nice.  I guess Ellen would like that, too, but she would actually encourage people to be mean to me?  She is a bit forthcoming.

She thinks she found and can blame all her problems on me.

New Video

New Video of Me Singing

 photo 2013-05-27-4-1.png

What Happened

Well, my dad made an allusion to his dad to me for the 1st time.  That's too bad, I can get a little mad if I want.. it wasn't weird.  Oh well..


The importance of being a good blogger.

IS TO COMMENT ON WHAT YOU READ so we know what you wasted time reading

My "Usual" Demeanor

Ellen just argues about how I look, no better than me.

Feeling Better

I hope they're okay.  People fight me when I'm forward.


Well, sorry.  So what, you wanna hurt me?  How can I deal with something like this?  It's just fun.  I said I wasn't trying to hurt him..

Deep-Seated Issue

It's a deep-seated wish of mine for people like Sarah Brightman to tour with someone else since she doesn't seem to believe she is greater than the men she sings with or they are rude.  She's gonna have to do a mini tour with me or else no one left.  I only can think of all the less strict art song singers and perhaps the musical theater singers I've seen.  I almost got in the Annie tour but unfortunately wanted to do something else.

What do you think @ the fact that there are singers who sing with other singers who bear little semblance?  I also hated that, like what we only "get" to see 1 Baby Spice?

The other thing is it's very easy to give a "concert."  There should be more of these minor concerts..  I hate music school, there are no concerts, just individual, graded like thesis recitals..
So, the people on the radio are being a nuisance.  I played around and had to like play with them a bit but not as much as I knew I could..


I edited the song to Fair but said in the notes some of it was good.

So it's

BECAUSE Ellen is stuck up, not yes I am but no I'm not.

New Video

New Video of Me Singing

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do you think I don't know how to use the internet and am not welcome?  Not @ race.

Funny Outcomes From the 1980s

Not even a baby clings to me like that.


I totally blame the N word thing with Tim Burton and Helena Bonham Carter.  There is nothing wrong with it.  I don't think it should have happened.

There's no such thing

as generation X.


Why does Ellen act like she is nice?  She also acts like she's really really bad..

Whattayawan'? (What do you want?)

Why when I try so hard to sustain some desired trait, it just turns into the thing I don' wan' it to?

So..tellme watcha wan' watcha really really want

I think Hayley Westenra should go to Holland.

The Cat That's Outta the Bag

Why do black people not like to look white?


Ellen doesn't realize no one else does what she does-

Why DO you

get so sensitive @ older people?  Like, all in mah face (my face.)

Norwegians @ Disney

Why do they act like we have to bow to them, like Tup Tim?

2 Generations

1 - Late Boom
2 - Early Boom

3 - Parental Generation
4 - The D'ade (The Dead)

ball go down the hole


to not be who I want to be

Ah wuz rite ole a longe

I was right all along.  My initial reaction was that we couldn't try out for a Tim Burton movie ourselves because agents are so picky.  I'm not black, neither.  :|

What is she really good for?

Meeting kids!


Tell me if you like her.

How much don't you think I really like..

Sarah Brightman?  I never got my chance to officially say-

I am..

I am more New Orleanian than other people.  Only people who are pure European or maybe Aussie can adapt more quickly.  :|

Something Bad

You don't wanna just have famous, popular people out there pleasing people who are rambunctious, outrageous, and outspoken.


When are you not cool with something?

Let's move this 1 up.

IF ya WANNA kno' if he loves you so IT'S IN HIS KISS
(shoop shoop (shoop shoop (shoop shoop (shoop shoop


"I am your angel
I am your rain"

- Sarah Brightman

"I am your *** dream.
I have no feelings.."

- me

What I Was Gonna Say

Ellen is slipping in messages, a lie that she acted like she wouldn't.

In Reality

Ellen in Reality

It's true when you do something it does mean it counters some other thing if that's the case and intention.  You don't just keep going into ecstasy thinking of how far you wanna sorta ADHD people.

I think..

..My mom was upset I didn't have any nice PJs.  I DON'T HAVE ANY MONEY.


There's something like a loud clock somewhere in my room all of a sudden.  I do have a noisemaker on, but it's not that loud.  I don't wanna go over the risque things I did in life that were cool and okay actually because of Ellen DeGeneres.


Ellen is partially credited for why I take medicine.  Go to Hell, says little dum dum alien.


I just had creamed|frosted strawberry wheaties.

Naky Waky

I got the idea from FtLauderdaleSun that Eurasians and others encourage others who are Eurasian to try to just be Asian.  Then, in the end, they reward people who have been more European..

A Spoiled Brat

Don't go crazy with it.  I just mean she so openly thinks she can do something in the world.  Just because I didn't live where my ancestors are from.

What I Think Of..

Ellen's family..  Yes, I think it's mean she doesn't act like I'm New Orleanian when I've lived there more recently than her.


My mom bothered me..

Anyway, yesterday, a guy got on the escalator behind my dad and then made a loud noise with 1 foot as he got off.  I was sad @ my dad coming home to his 1st frie' (fried) dumplings to his beautiful wife forlorn over him.

It did pass my mind that Ellen DeGeneres was responsible for this decision.  She might have been mad at something I did, it seems.  The guy looked rehearsed.  How is this okay?  Are you just gonna brush this pattern away like it doesn't matter?  Why do I get messages of conceit by others of what they think Ellen really does?  I don't have to care, I already care..

YouTube Comment


This song is really a good choice. I'm chosing "Somewhere" for AGT (America's Got Talent.) I can't afford to make a music video and sell it seems. I recommend she continue. :) That was so good! Thanks so much for sharing those. It reminds me of singing when I was a kid, like paying attention to all these things. I was in choir and learned and practiced singing. I used to not sing as loudly as a kid|tween. But yea, she is a really good singer! :) It looks really hard to sing so well.

Thanks for being an inspiration.

I just auditioned!  I submitted myself singing "Somewhere.." and added a whole bunch other videos!!  :)


I fixed the font in my old YouTubes page.

I feel bad for her..

I am used to, not in Pre-K.., but nice kids lilty tippy music.

Why I Consider Myself an Early Singer

Well, you don't sing before you can talk.  Oh yes, Celine Dion, very nice, of course..  I mean, and, like, .. what .. ^99^

Oh yes, because some people believe voice lessons ruin your voice.  Choir, it doesn't.  Well, it can.


So, Jackie Evancho is like Sarah Brightman, did piano.  She actually started apparently private voice when I started choir.  I was in Christmas choir at 7, at least, too, though..  I know Orla Karron Fallon, Renee Fleming, my old music teacher's daughter in my grade level a few months younger (August, Sarah..) started since they could remember in their own way.  I remember beautiful children's music.  I didn't just burst out and sing for someone like my mother, though.  Didn't really have privacy at age 1.


I just wanted you to know I wasn't as good as you when you were 7 and 8.

That's the age I started, but my interest began at 5..  I didn't really sing until I was 5 myself.  I don't even remember if I sang in front of my parents right off from the start.


I edited my Quotes page on my website.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

An Important Question

I was at the mall, gonna go upstairs happened to be where my dad was headed.. a guy got in front, and I didn't take his bs and he startled my dad, kinda knew he would.

Age of a Mother and Father

I'd say a dad could be any age, and a mom would be 35?
I know the vibe of being a kid.


If you think that I'm not some divine being, then what are you trying to sya


I am actually singing to draw in attention from people LIKE Ellen DeGeneres.

No, sire, I don't need to.

No, Tim Burton, sir, I don't need to bow down to anyone, never did, never will accept it..

Something Bothers Me

I watched a girl sing a song I sang, "To a Wild Rose.." and in 2008 she seemed so humble, like now, but in 2010 after the N word thing I saw the pianist get nasty, I could read it you know..  She startled me for some reason about some of the **** in my body.  If my dad read this, he'd say, "No one's gonna wanna read that."  Why are people nice to me because I cursed?  Because I decided to stand up for myself?  I only cursed if someone hurt me and only about that.

Even more, why can't we live in peace with Tim Burton!

I'm very excited to meet you.

I am very excited and hope some young singers can sing Broadway special songs with Sarah and with me kids songs.. lullaby and good night.

Giving Back?

I don't mean to sound bitter.  I'm not ungrateful.  I never seem to be able to do anything..back..

An Important Question

Does anyone know why older people like giving me attention so much?  I do experience magic and am a person, a human being.

Following Concerts on YouTube

Is there anyone else out there following Sarah Brightman's or if any of Jackie Evancho on their present concert tours?

Ex er cise

I went for a long hard jog today and used the bathroom @ the gas station.

New Video

New Video of Me Singing

 photo 2013-05-27-4-1.png


So, I made all my profile pictures the same.

Mai Voice (My Voice)

I notice it has lots of phlegm and rasp, as though I'm a smoker, but I just drink co'd (cold) water.  It also started cracking since I tried to mimic some people.  That happened earlier this year.

Important Things @ the South

I learned that in any place you do something to compensate for something and you can technically argue you already validated and countered a point.. then, the arguing and nervousness is to stop.

I know in the South when you do something you worry @ the big picture.  Like, you don't say oh I'll just keep going.  You look at "what" in the picture, like what will my neighbor have to say?

A professor from Harvard school of music died, whose wife was very nice to me.  He was semi-old.  ..R.I.P.  :[

Huzzah! It's November to Remember.

Ellen DeGeneres for President.  Who for Vice President?  I'd do well at that but wouldn't be with Ellen much.  I wanna be good enough to sing with Sarah Brightman.  I just sent in for voice instructors to contact me.  How will I go to Disney that way?  $$  Oh, I'm also getting help to work, as a twerk.  However, I have a therapist, I trasport by disability van.., and I am not sure but may not be long at this 1 place until I work I mean and then later I am supposed to go to group therapy..which I think would help cancel out needing medicine as much.

Why Ellen for President?  I forget, but she knew something, like pay attention to the national debt and not ignore thoughts or something like that..


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